Start Living

Wake-up calls come rarely and are difficult to take in, but they are a good reminder to constantly live life to the fullest. Here are some tips on how to stop waiting and start living.

Recently I heard of a young woman passing away, and as death at a young age often does, it made me think of things I’d do differently in my own life if I was facing that “deadline”. It basically came down to this: Stop waiting! You already have all you need. You don’t need anything else.

1. Stop waiting for the right time to live your life. Stop fearing to make decisions or making mistakes. You didn’t learn to walk on your first step: you tried, you fell; you got up and tried again. And each step was an adventure. Life isn’t a string of perfect steps, but a journey through a jungle with a gleaming sun and tree shades, with wrong turns and glorious returns. Live your truth!

2. Stop waiting for approval. You are the only one whose approval counts. Those are your shoes you’re walking in, your skin that you’re wearing and your heart that you might let down. You don’t need to explain nor justify yourself for the way you choose to live your life. Feel those shoes and that skin; listen to that heart. Make them comfortable and happy.

3. Stop waiting for the perfect body to show it, love. Love the one you have. It serves you well.

4. Stop waiting for the perfect partner, and cherish the one who is willing to put effort into being the right one, who is capable of loving you the way you deserve to be loved and cherished; the one who is there to hold your hand when your demons raise their heads; the one who shows the courage to face life both when it’s rough and when it’s like a marshmallow fluff; the one who respects your needs, and likes your flaws. The one who is just as perfectly imperfect as you yourself are.

5. Stop waiting for your parents to accept you. Be the first one to take on the acceptance It’s for you. Respect them even when they are not worthy of it. For they gave you. They are your ancestors. Be grateful for that and start living.

6. Stop waiting for the anger to pass. Forgive, for you will be baggage free.

7. Stop waiting for the perfect day to walk barefoot on the grass, to enjoy the sun or do the things you love. Take that piano lesson you always wanted or read that book never had time to. Run free in the summer rain and get dirty in the mud. Feel everything. Use your eyes to marvel at this planet’s amazing nature; use your senses to be present. Be grateful for being alive and well.

8. Stop waiting for an extra hour a day to connect with your friends and loved ones. Make time for that hour or a minute or two. Tell them how much you care, and be there for them. Love is the only thing that counts.

9. Stop waiting to give love. Don’t be afraid of getting hurt, heartbroken or left behind. Yeah, life sucks sometimes, even more than sometimes, but it is spectacular in between! Closing your heart will prevent you from pain but it will deprive you of this wonderful spectrum of emotions.

10. Stop waiting for the perfect version of you. This is it. The best you can be at this very moment. You are the unique thread in the tapestry of life. Accept yourself Because while you wait the life will pass and before you know it will be over. Just, stop waiting and start being, living and loving.

Kristina Kantar is a writer and soul-searcher. She believes in miraculousness of life, in following your heart and the power of dreams. Strong advocate of freedom of human spirit and nonconformance to...

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