Happy Holiday Season!

As the new year rises on a horizon, we’ve set a goal of reaching $180,000 in reader support by February 28th, 2023. The funding we raise during our year-end campaign will prepare us for 2023 to sustain the incisive, in-depth, impact-driven journalism you’ve come to expect from us.

I hope as the year ends, you’ll consider joining other readers in our community by supporting our independent journalism.

We have big plans for next year, including:

  • Resuming our White House, State Department and Senate coverage that helps readers understand the most important issues facing the US and the world.
  • A journalism fellowship program designed to support the development of the next generation of journalists
  • Developing new news products and doing even more of the day-to-day reporting you rely on.

This holiday season, would you help Pavlovic Today reach this goal?  

It’s readers like you who make our work possible. Your contribution will help us produce the stories that ask hard questions and inform our community of readers from the world power centers. Every gift made during this campaign will be turned into stories and premium content that informs you. Help us tell the stories you want to know about.

We truly appreciate your support, your loyal readership and your belief in our work

Thank you for being a The Pavlovic Today reader.

With gratitude,

Ksenija Pavlovic McAteer

Editor in Chief

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Ksenija Pavlovic is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Pavlovic Today, The Chief White House Correspondent. Pavlovic was a Teaching Fellow and Doctoral Fellow in the Political Science department at...