The First Lady Melania Trump commenced this morning the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs.

Greetings from the State Dining Room where the First Lady just commenced the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs.

FLOTUS, seated at the center of the table between HUD Sec. Ben Carson and DOJ’s head of Justice Programs Matt Dummermuth, just delivered brief introductory remarks promoting Be Best:

“Our mission to enhance the lives of children everywhere .. my focus has and will always be on our children. They are our future doctors nurses firefighters scientists teachers chefs generals pilots designers reporters and missionaries just to name a few. 

In May we launched Be Best initiative and have had the opportunity to work with many of you traveling domestically and internationally in order to promote three pillars of be best, well being online safety and opioid abuse. 

Sec. DeVos has done a great job at providing more opportunities to children in education and has been a great partner.. Be Best has also worked closely with sec. Azar and HHS particular in learning more about the dangers of opioids on mothers and babies. last October had the opportunity to travel to four African countries where i saw firsthand the good work being done.. I’m glad Administrator Green [USAID] can join us today. 

With great appreciation that I welcome all of you to this meeting. Looking forward to learning more about the programs available about how we can work together to help and empower our children. I would now like to call on Sec. Azar to share more about the Interagency working group for youth programs.”

Additional info on today’s meeting provided yesterday by FLOTUS’ office: 

On Monday at 10:00AM, First Lady MelaniaTrump will host an Interagency meeting to discuss youth programs throughout each of the member agencies. The purpose is to convene the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs, originally established under former President George W. Bush, in an effort to build upon and improve youth programs that align with the First Lady’s Be Best initiative. 

Mrs. Trump will lead the discussion with opening and closing remarks.

List of participating Agencies:

The US Department of State

The US Department of Defense

The US Department of Justice

The US Department of Interior

The US Department of Commerce

The US Department of Labor

The US Department of Health and Human Services

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development

The US Department of Transportation

The US Department of Education

The US Environmental Protection Agency

The Federal Emergency Management Agency

The National Endowment for the Arts

The National Science Foundation

The US Agency for International Development

The Corporation for National and Community Service

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The Office of National Drug Control Policy

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